Begegnung am Montag, 22 Dezember 8:40-10:20 im “Mehrzwecksaal” für angemeldete Klassen (3.-5. Klassen TFO und RG)
Meeting mit den Ex-WissLyzern Johannes Daprà (Biosensor specialist) und Hannes Waldner (Jugenddienst, freiberuflicher Referent, Wildnispädagoge)
Johannes Daprà, u.a. auch in der Nanotechnologie zuhause
Biography Johannes Daprà (aus seinem Linkedin-Profil):
“While earning his master degree in chemistry at TUM (Munich, Germany), Johannes learned to use the basic chemistry tool-kit which he then used for this specilisation of polymers and construction chemicals. Johannes then continued research by doing a Ph.D. at DTU Nanotech (Lyngby, Denmark) in a different field. His project was the development of a modular point-of-care biosensor platform as a tool to make inexpensive diagnostics available for a broad public by reducing material costs and analysis time.”
“Johannes is a young and motivated researcher in the field of biosensors. Sparkling with ideas, he always comes up with new ways to implement latest scientific discoveries to solve every day problems or improve existing technology.”